Saturday, July 3, 2010

Off To INTEC..

Finally, my long-term break has ended.. It has been almost 6 months since 17 December 2009 whereby I officially have been a 'kutu beras', a quotation from my ayah and as the saying goes, "An idle mind is the devil's workshop", I have been committing a lot of mischievous things around my house that I can't even bear to write them out because I'm so paiseh with myself.. (hehehe..)
So, presently, I am experiencing a mixed feeling with the strongest inclination to the nervous and jumpy region because I've NEVER EVER been away from home for a such loooong time.. (Argh, stop whining Syer.. **note to myself). Currently, I am trying to reduce the symptoms of homesick-ness... ^_^'' And from today onwards, I am not sure that I can write an entry per week due to the time constriction. I can't write more coz' I haven't finished packing and checking and re-checking all the necessities and tomorrow, I'm off to INtEC...

That's all for now and bubye people..

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