Monday, June 28, 2010

"Kenapa x amik medik, Syera?"

I've heard that question popping out of everyone's oral cavity; Neighbours, Friends, Teachers, Relatives and Juniors practically for hundreds and thousands of time..(Okay, I'm practically exaggerating.. LOL)

When I said, " X... amik Ekonomi..."

Then, the 'my-answer-based-question' responses are the same,

"Ekonomi?! Owh, okay...", said 'em looking at me with askance.
(Only some wore that look of askance, others are quite shocked.. but I personally hate the 'those askance looks'.. They're sooo daunting..)

Why? Why?? Why???

So, I decided to list out why I didn't take up medic.. and here it goes..

  1. Being a doctor means I have to get myself involved in an exceedingly tedious job. There are simply so many things that a doctor is obliged to do and every responsibility held by a doctor involves other people's life and well-being.
  2. I am an Emo fellow, trying to cope with patient's death is almost handful for me. I discovered this particular reason during the exposure program held by PDS@JPA in March. There was this old Chinese lady who had been rammed by a motorcycle when she tried to cross the main road in Selayang. Then, she was transferred to Sg Buloh's Hospital in order to have a CT Scan but then her condition got worse although the doctors said that this popo (the old Chinese lady) has been leading a very healthy life. The doctors struggled to save her and tried to remove a blood clot but they tried their best. The popo passed away at midnight. I was very much devastated and still having the same feeling until this moment. There more stories that I would lie to share but somehow they couldn't be domesticated into words.
  3. I am a very harsh person in character and in action. Those who know me especially from SMKSK would have agreed with this coz' they have experienced it during spot-checks and many more. Hence, I would rather say that I'm afraid that I'll be committing medical negligence due to my carelessness and harsh attitude. My mom even pointed this out to me when I first told my parents that I wanna become a doctor.(Haha..)
  4. Medic is just a summer love to me. The passion which last for a short period.(Haha.. Sounds so mean..)I really think the reason I wanna become doctor that time is because I watched a lot of medical dramas and that time I was a fanatical fan of the Japan serial drama, Gyne. This drama had affected me until I even put UM Life Science Foundation as my first-choice for UPU.

So, I hope this will discreetly answer the bewilderment of those who thought that I ought to be a doctor.

Till next time..
Cheers, people..

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