Sunday, June 27, 2010

When Kak Payung Says, "You Can Stay Under My Umbrella", I am truly blessed...

Yes, it is a statement people..
And that Kak Payung@Anna Amir hold very dearly to every of the words in the statement above..
An undeniable one too..
For those who think that is an overstatement, that's definitely wrong..
Anna is female knight in the shining armor..
She never fails to be one..
My best friend in the whole universe..
And she's more than that..
CoZ' she Someone to me..
There's so much difference between me and her which created a deep, wide gap like Mariana Trench

Such instances are:
We belong to different cliques in high school..
She's in the Librarian Gang (Ana, Anis, Sue, Syifaq Wan, and Puts )
I'm in my 6S (Syairah, Sin Yit, Seow, Shernny, Sheriff and Sirvishahlee)
LOL ~ They're my close friends too..
Other's of the Librarian Gang are also my VERY GOOD friends..
(Anis-My Gourmet friend and Wan-My 'Fist Fight' friend)
I'm the Emo fellow while she's the Calm angel..

We never hang out at the mall together..
Not even The Store...

She has a fabulous American accent and yet, she has such an amazing flair in writing the British style (all the way beating around the bush and yet I never get bored with those lengthy and well-described chronicle)
I am very much influenced by the British accent but my writing style follows the American way..

She rarely come to visit my family and lepak-ing at my house even during festive season like Eid

We NEVER fail to cross the wide gap
CoZ' we have been building a strong bridge of friendship year after year

Thank Allah S.W.T. I found you..

Till then.. Cheers, people *_*

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