Tuesday, June 8, 2010

TOEFL Essay Practice

Today, I am very much compelled to write a short essay in order to harness my writing skill. Plus, I stumbled upon an interesting TOEFL essay practice which had brought me to the moments of self-reflection. The essay practice topic sounds very much like this; What kind of music do you like the most? Give reasons to support your answer.

Okay, here's the essay regarding to the topic above.

WARNING: Read At Your Own Risk

It is effortless for me to be in the state of indulgence whenever I am listening to music which can be further classified into specific genres such as ballad, jazz, new wave and many more. Generally, I listen to all kinds of genres but I particularly endeavor country music the most. There are a few reasoning for my unconditional love towards country music which I would like to explain elaborately later.
Primarily, country songs are full of motivation and positivity; the two secret ingredients of building a confident person from my very own prospective. These can be identified by pondering at the lyrics sang out by the country singers and bands but needless to say that one could feel the motivation and the aura of positivity as the songs are being played. For instance, the lyrics of a song titled 'Unstoppable' by Rascal Flatts which encourage one to keep striving to reap the fruits of success despite the upheavals that one had to face without being disheartened; 'get on your knees and dig down deep, you can do what you think is impossible'. I always feel more convicted and determined to achieve all my goals upon hearing this song albeit the problems that hinder my effort.
Besides that, country music is relaxing as the music arrangement of most country songs is light and not clamorous at all. It is almost effortless for country music to enlighten me and brighten the days of loneliness with a sweet tune produced by the ukulele as it is being strummed by the country singers like Jason Mraz. It is also very uplifting for me to listen to songs by Rascal Flatts, Carrie Underwood and Train whenever I am at the lowest ebb of my life. Recently, series of my best friends's departures had knocked me down to the ground. It felt so hard for me gulped down the bitter reality of having to go on separate ways with my best friends and I was in a state of depression. However, I began to accept their departures after I listened to a song titled 'My Wish' by Rascal Flatts because I know that their departures is for the sake of creating a better future for themselves and at that moment I instantly felt at ease.
Moreover, most country songs are descriptive in which I personally quoted them as 'singing story-tellers', singing stories out loud with gleeful melody. This indirectly harness one's imagination by conjuring images through description by the song lyrics . It works effectively on me and my writing skill totally improved. 'Love Story' by Taylor Swift is one of the best example of descriptive country songs by describing her reminiscent of the party where she and her lover first met.
In a nutshell, the positivity and motivation reflected by country music and the relaxation conjured in me while letting my imagination running wild are the reasons of my strong attraction towards this particular genre of music.

P/S --> Hope it is not so lengthy...


  1. Love the essaaaay! :D
    btw, i've followed you already :-)

  2. Aww, thank you Filzah..
    I've been following yours too since April..
    I'm gonna add yours very soon.. heee
