Sunday, June 6, 2010

My Cousin Wedding..

This is also my very first time publishing post about my extended family.. My mom said I always post something about my friends only in Facebook and Myspace.. So, mama here it is; an account on your nephew's wedding which was held with much flair and gusto.. I also post it on blog to express my thanks to Abg Zaim.. ^_^
Okay, here's the details:-

Venue: Kg Nakhoda, Selayang (the bride's house)
Date: 5 June 2010

Now, Let Pictures Do The Talking...

This is the groom..(kerek je.. haha)
My cousin anxiously waiting to get to his bride house as the weather was such a scorcher n that particular day..
Azian(the groom's lil' sis) and Adilla taking pic with the bridegroom..
(Where's my pic?! *~*) **rant
The "Golden Age" gang with the bridegroom
excluding the one with the maroon hijab..
She's in her early 30's.. Cayala Kak Cik..

Okay, this is the younger generation of my extended family..
Excluding my aunt(behind the groom) and her daughter..
** a special 'Darlie' smile from the groom..

Okay back to the main actor and actress of the day..
Still Wondering why Abg. Zaim is so rigid during the photography session..

Ahah!! This my pic with my cousins, Adilla and Mira..

Gosh, I look terrible.. I'm an ugly girl.. haha..

OK?! No la.. The wedding was a blast!!
The ceremony, hosts, food.. **stomach rumbling)

There's so much pictures to be posted in this blog but I have a very limited time.. So, that's it for now.. Insya-Allah, I'll try to post my cousin's wedding (same groom k..) next week which will be held at Sg Petani, Kedah..(Yeay! Balik Kampung..Ooo, balik kampung..) on 12th June 2010.. Till then, adios people..

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