Saturday, July 3, 2010

Off To INTEC..

Finally, my long-term break has ended.. It has been almost 6 months since 17 December 2009 whereby I officially have been a 'kutu beras', a quotation from my ayah and as the saying goes, "An idle mind is the devil's workshop", I have been committing a lot of mischievous things around my house that I can't even bear to write them out because I'm so paiseh with myself.. (hehehe..)
So, presently, I am experiencing a mixed feeling with the strongest inclination to the nervous and jumpy region because I've NEVER EVER been away from home for a such loooong time.. (Argh, stop whining Syer.. **note to myself). Currently, I am trying to reduce the symptoms of homesick-ness... ^_^'' And from today onwards, I am not sure that I can write an entry per week due to the time constriction. I can't write more coz' I haven't finished packing and checking and re-checking all the necessities and tomorrow, I'm off to INtEC...

That's all for now and bubye people..

Monday, June 28, 2010

"Kenapa x amik medik, Syera?"

I've heard that question popping out of everyone's oral cavity; Neighbours, Friends, Teachers, Relatives and Juniors practically for hundreds and thousands of time..(Okay, I'm practically exaggerating.. LOL)

When I said, " X... amik Ekonomi..."

Then, the 'my-answer-based-question' responses are the same,

"Ekonomi?! Owh, okay...", said 'em looking at me with askance.
(Only some wore that look of askance, others are quite shocked.. but I personally hate the 'those askance looks'.. They're sooo daunting..)

Why? Why?? Why???

So, I decided to list out why I didn't take up medic.. and here it goes..

  1. Being a doctor means I have to get myself involved in an exceedingly tedious job. There are simply so many things that a doctor is obliged to do and every responsibility held by a doctor involves other people's life and well-being.
  2. I am an Emo fellow, trying to cope with patient's death is almost handful for me. I discovered this particular reason during the exposure program held by PDS@JPA in March. There was this old Chinese lady who had been rammed by a motorcycle when she tried to cross the main road in Selayang. Then, she was transferred to Sg Buloh's Hospital in order to have a CT Scan but then her condition got worse although the doctors said that this popo (the old Chinese lady) has been leading a very healthy life. The doctors struggled to save her and tried to remove a blood clot but they tried their best. The popo passed away at midnight. I was very much devastated and still having the same feeling until this moment. There more stories that I would lie to share but somehow they couldn't be domesticated into words.
  3. I am a very harsh person in character and in action. Those who know me especially from SMKSK would have agreed with this coz' they have experienced it during spot-checks and many more. Hence, I would rather say that I'm afraid that I'll be committing medical negligence due to my carelessness and harsh attitude. My mom even pointed this out to me when I first told my parents that I wanna become a doctor.(Haha..)
  4. Medic is just a summer love to me. The passion which last for a short period.(Haha.. Sounds so mean..)I really think the reason I wanna become doctor that time is because I watched a lot of medical dramas and that time I was a fanatical fan of the Japan serial drama, Gyne. This drama had affected me until I even put UM Life Science Foundation as my first-choice for UPU.

So, I hope this will discreetly answer the bewilderment of those who thought that I ought to be a doctor.

Till next time..
Cheers, people..

Sunday, June 27, 2010

When Kak Payung Says, "You Can Stay Under My Umbrella", I am truly blessed...

Yes, it is a statement people..
And that Kak Payung@Anna Amir hold very dearly to every of the words in the statement above..
An undeniable one too..
For those who think that is an overstatement, that's definitely wrong..
Anna is female knight in the shining armor..
She never fails to be one..
My best friend in the whole universe..
And she's more than that..
CoZ' she Someone to me..
There's so much difference between me and her which created a deep, wide gap like Mariana Trench

Such instances are:
We belong to different cliques in high school..
She's in the Librarian Gang (Ana, Anis, Sue, Syifaq Wan, and Puts )
I'm in my 6S (Syairah, Sin Yit, Seow, Shernny, Sheriff and Sirvishahlee)
LOL ~ They're my close friends too..
Other's of the Librarian Gang are also my VERY GOOD friends..
(Anis-My Gourmet friend and Wan-My 'Fist Fight' friend)
I'm the Emo fellow while she's the Calm angel..

We never hang out at the mall together..
Not even The Store...

She has a fabulous American accent and yet, she has such an amazing flair in writing the British style (all the way beating around the bush and yet I never get bored with those lengthy and well-described chronicle)
I am very much influenced by the British accent but my writing style follows the American way..

She rarely come to visit my family and lepak-ing at my house even during festive season like Eid

We NEVER fail to cross the wide gap
CoZ' we have been building a strong bridge of friendship year after year

Thank Allah S.W.T. I found you..

Till then.. Cheers, people *_*

Friday, June 18, 2010

Inspirational Songs..

For this entry, I'd like to shout out loud the songs which inspired me. Most of them are from Rascal Flatts though as they are so meaningful and full of metaphors which comes really handy when I'm doing essay-writing .


You feel like a candle in a hurricane
Just like a picture with a broken frame
Alone and helpless
Like you've lost your fight
But you'll be alright, you'll be alright

Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend, till you break
Cause its all you can take
On your knees you look up
Decide you've had enough
You get mad you get strong
Wipe your hands shake it off
Then you Stand, Then you stand
Life's like a novel
With the end ripped out
The edge of a canyon
With only one way down
Take what you're given before its gone
Start holding on, keep holding on

Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend till you break
Cause it's all you can take
On your knees you look up
Decide you've had enough
You get mad, you get strong
Wipe your hands, shake it off
Then you stand, then you stand

Everytime you get up
And get back in the race
One more small piece of you
Starts to fall into place

[Repeat Chorus]

I will play this song over and over for hours whenever I feel disheartened because in one way, this song pinpoint that we can actually get back on our feet and weathered those rainy days in the future if we be strong and keep holding on to our faith and dreams.


So, so you made a lot of mistakes
Walked down the road a little sideways
Cracked a brick when you hit the wall
Yeah, you've had a pocket full of regrets
Pull you down faster than a sunset
Hey, it happens to us all

When the cold hard rain just won't quit
And you can't see your way out of it

You find your faith has been lost and shaken
You take back what's been taken
Get on your knees and dig down deep
You can do what you think is impossible
Keep on believing, don't give in
It'll come and make you whole again
It always will, it always does
Love is unstoppable

Love, it can weather any storm,
Bring you back to being born, again
oh, it's a helping hand when you need it most
A lighthouse shining on the coast
That never goes dim

When your heart is full of doubt
And you think that there's no way out


Like a river keeps on rolling
Like the north wind blowing
Don't it feel good knowing


Love is unstopabble
So you made a lot of mistakes
Walked down the road a little sideways
Love, love is unstoppable

For this song, I do really think that the meaning is based on your own experience and interpretation like what's he first thing that pop in your mind when you listen to this song for the very first time. For me, this song really reminds me of the mistakes that I've done and it motivates me to keep on striving despite the obstacles that I have to face.


Got a package full of Wishes
A Time machine, a Magic Wand
A Globe made out of Gold

No Instructions or Commandments
Laws of Gravity or
Indecisions to uphold

Printed on the box I see
A.C.M.E.'s Build-a-World-to-be
Take a chance - Grab a piece
Help me to believe it

What kind of world do you want?
Think Anything
Let's start at the start
Build a masterpiece
Be careful what you wish for
History starts now...

Should there be people or peoples
Money, Funny pedestals for Fools who never pay
Raise your Army - Choose your Steeple
Don't be shy, the satellites can look the other way

Lose the Earthquakes - Keep the Faults
Fill the oceans without the salt
Let every Man own his own Hand

What kind of world do you want
Think Anything
Let's start at the start
Build a masterpiece
Be careful what you wish for
History starts now...

Sunlight's on the Bridge
Sunlight's on the Way
Tomorrow's Calling

There's more to this than Love

What Kind of world do you want
What Kind of world do you want

What Kind of world do you want
Think Anything
Let's start at the start
Build a masterpiece

History Starts Now

Be careful what you wish for
Start Now

Okay, I really have no idea why I love this song so much that I keep listening to it everyday. I think because it reminds me of hope and dreams that I have for the world that I inhabit and also the things I wish I could change to make this world a better place for us to live.

Till then, adios people..

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Multiple Cravings

This happened yesterday where I was craving for so many foods. The weird thing was that it's not like I haven't had them for so many months or years. It all started during breakfast where I had an intense desire to have some toasts with butter and kaya at Kuang Station en route to Damansara. Unfortunately, Kuang Station was closed and we were left with no option except to have our breakfast at a nearby stall selling finger-licking nasi lemak with their special, crispy onde-onde. I was a bit disappointed and I was gloomy for the rest of the morning. Now, as I write the whole account that happened yesterday, I am quite annoyed with my attitude.
Second thing was Lot 100 sweets which I had forgot the name but I could never forget the tastes. The sweets tasted so sour at first and gradually became sweeter. I bought 7 of them, gave one to my lil' sister and the rest was already on the way to my tummy in 19 minutes time. I felt so childish when I reminisced the whole thing.
The next thing I craved for was the chocolate flavor waffle sold at K-Mall, Muar which was situated opposite to SMS Muar, my lil' sister's school. Man, I gotta tell you that the waffle was so chocolaty and it was so damn good that I kept buying the same flavor whenever I visit my sister. Thank goodness that my lil' sister hadn't bought her ration yet and I took the golden opportunity to buy the so-damn-yummy waffle.
In the evening, on our way back home, we stopped at R&R Dengkil when suddenly I wanted to eat spicy food after consuming things that contained so much sugar. Then, I immediately thought of Curry Noodles. Lucky for me, there was only one bowl of Curry Noodles left and I had an awesome time devouring it.
At the end of day, after I had gobbled up all of them, I belatedly realized that I had a medical checkup to be done tomorrow. I smacked my forehead and drank five glass of water hoping to neutralize my urine (You know what it actually means.. haha). It left me bloating throughout the night and caused me to pay several visits to the lavatory..

Moral of the story --> Look before you leap. Don't just eat out of your lust then you'll be a fatty~boom~boom like me..

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Moments of self-reflection

Yesterday, I had indulged on moments of self-reflection en route to my home after dozing off for a few times out of bored. We were from Kedah and it took almost 5 hours to get to Rawang. So, I began to think of how I could survive my new, upcoming life in hostel at INTEC. Then, I discovered that I lacked of the living skills needed for a college student to survive on themselves without their parents help. Hence, I had been able to identify a few skills I lacked and the bad habits that I should have kicked off years back.

Skills that I lacked:-

> Hand-washing all the clothes. Haven't done this for years as I am an avid user of the technological stuff i.e. washing machine (No offense! I'm the victim of in this era of modernization..). So, I'm gonna have to 'spin' my clothes with my hand after I got into college.
> Cooking simple meals (AHAH!). This is really the utmost truth of all. Although the college forbid any cooking in the hostel room, I really have to cook in order to save some pocket money. Plus, I can't be eating mamak food, goreng~goreng and instant noodles all the time.. Then, I'll be craving for 'real food'. LOL

My bad habits

> Sleeping with the light still on. This is the major problem as I've been sleeping without switching off the light since I was 8 years old. My lil' sister kicked off this habit as she was afraid of the dark and I eventually inherited her habit until now when my sister had gone to a boarding school in Johor.
> Rarely make the bed. I didn't really like to make the bed until now except when my lil' sister is coming home for weekend exeat coz' she will scream at me and gradually making sinister remarks about my untidiness. I'm used to that.. hahaha.. and I just laughed at her remarks and making up jokes to calm her down. Well, it works okay.. ; )
> Being boisterous for no reason. Well, I should be more matured as I'm already 18 but I guessed I never grow up as an 18 years old teenage girl emotionally. I really don't want to elaborate more on this as I'm quite ashamed on the previous unfortunate accounts that had happened because of my action.

Now, I have a renewed zest of improving myself before getting into college. Shout out your endorsement by suggesting any helpful tips for me to survive at college. Till then, adios people..

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

TOEFL Essay Practice

Today, I am very much compelled to write a short essay in order to harness my writing skill. Plus, I stumbled upon an interesting TOEFL essay practice which had brought me to the moments of self-reflection. The essay practice topic sounds very much like this; What kind of music do you like the most? Give reasons to support your answer.

Okay, here's the essay regarding to the topic above.

WARNING: Read At Your Own Risk

It is effortless for me to be in the state of indulgence whenever I am listening to music which can be further classified into specific genres such as ballad, jazz, new wave and many more. Generally, I listen to all kinds of genres but I particularly endeavor country music the most. There are a few reasoning for my unconditional love towards country music which I would like to explain elaborately later.
Primarily, country songs are full of motivation and positivity; the two secret ingredients of building a confident person from my very own prospective. These can be identified by pondering at the lyrics sang out by the country singers and bands but needless to say that one could feel the motivation and the aura of positivity as the songs are being played. For instance, the lyrics of a song titled 'Unstoppable' by Rascal Flatts which encourage one to keep striving to reap the fruits of success despite the upheavals that one had to face without being disheartened; 'get on your knees and dig down deep, you can do what you think is impossible'. I always feel more convicted and determined to achieve all my goals upon hearing this song albeit the problems that hinder my effort.
Besides that, country music is relaxing as the music arrangement of most country songs is light and not clamorous at all. It is almost effortless for country music to enlighten me and brighten the days of loneliness with a sweet tune produced by the ukulele as it is being strummed by the country singers like Jason Mraz. It is also very uplifting for me to listen to songs by Rascal Flatts, Carrie Underwood and Train whenever I am at the lowest ebb of my life. Recently, series of my best friends's departures had knocked me down to the ground. It felt so hard for me gulped down the bitter reality of having to go on separate ways with my best friends and I was in a state of depression. However, I began to accept their departures after I listened to a song titled 'My Wish' by Rascal Flatts because I know that their departures is for the sake of creating a better future for themselves and at that moment I instantly felt at ease.
Moreover, most country songs are descriptive in which I personally quoted them as 'singing story-tellers', singing stories out loud with gleeful melody. This indirectly harness one's imagination by conjuring images through description by the song lyrics . It works effectively on me and my writing skill totally improved. 'Love Story' by Taylor Swift is one of the best example of descriptive country songs by describing her reminiscent of the party where she and her lover first met.
In a nutshell, the positivity and motivation reflected by country music and the relaxation conjured in me while letting my imagination running wild are the reasons of my strong attraction towards this particular genre of music.

P/S --> Hope it is not so lengthy...